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Project Finance at RISE

As the name of RISE suggests, we seek investment opportunities that have both tangible impact and financial viability. In an effort to broaden our horizons, in the spring of 2015, we began a pilot project to explore the potential role that RISE could play in proposing and submitting projects to Middlebury College's Green Revolving Loan Fund. Projects are likely to range in both size and impact, but will likely center on efficiency upgrades for buildings and other infrastructure throughout campus. RISE's first project is a building envelope improvement project at Weybridge House, a student residence whose members focus on sustainable living and local food. We're incredibly excited to expand the role of RISE in pursuing new and alternative investment opportunities as we aim to make an impact wherever possible. 


Project proposals will be submitted to the Green Revolving Loan Fund for approval and will be made available once submitted. 

Weybridge House Project

Research & Investment in Sustainable Equity (RISE) | Middlebury College | Middlebury, VT 05753

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